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No New Posts Zionaxial

This palace is made of a brilliant grayish looking marble still grand, but not more than that of his father Zeus. It is positioned where the northern portion of the skies for that is what he reigns. While his beloved Paidi rears those of lost godlings you might say.

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No New Posts Narcalantia

Underneath the chilly northern portions of the water in which the great Poseidon rules over is another who commands that of the northern portions. Underneath is a grand silvery palace with its own community of those who can withstand the frigid waters.

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No New Posts Anthallizar

A palace which stands like that of a cathedral and is such within without much sound in this place it is laidened with the spirits of animals still here and those who have passed on.

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No New Posts ]Zakalrnkian Stronghold

This darkened onyx and purple building with its unique style of the structure is one where judgement is passed on all and many things may change on the will of the person. Be weary for it might be your last glimpse!

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No New Posts Morcalac

In a mysterious castle with its own garden and the Lord of this castle is most patient and at times is able to wait till the end of time if it was warranted. Don't take this lightly however for it also goes to show of how long he'll wait to unleash his fury and wrath.

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No New Posts Pragnotical]

A grand apple orchard resides around this great castle of stone and iron. Much things reside here which the humans or mortals would most desire in all their life. As such the lord and master of this house is Lagnos one who desires much and is as well most desired at times that is!

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No New Posts Batalmantia

This is in the fashion of the battlements of old. A grand place large and spacious as a cathedral, but still with the sounds and noises of things always being repaired or ready for battle. Its a place where Seiges aren't easy to take over this place and is where it excells in.

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No New Posts Latantiias

This place seems to be nothing alike to the other places here in Avalon. with its bright colored sign and the noise within. This is a place in which all visitors especially that of the house could sit back and have a go. For this was a place for those to try their luck so to say. It is such as a Casino in Las Vegas!

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No New Posts Gartalantrk Wood

In this grand wooden fortress is its own community with the surrounding area around is a mote which protects intruders to a point.

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No New Posts Gantraxz

This is another grand fortress made solely out of wood. However with one difference for one is of trees that have been fallen, while this one is still with living trees magically expanded and customed. One of the biggest forests in Avalon surrounds this place for he is the keeper and the god of the forests!

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No New Posts Vladikantium

In the dark shadows a castle in all sense of the word even with its old-fashioned drawbridge crossing the mote below. In the ancient courtyard with the training grounds. Those who delight in sheding blood and drinking of it may find snctuary!

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No New Posts Camonarc

In a great castle with its own structure setting itself apart from all the rest and setting a change from the normal. This place was quite odd for those who visited got a powerful shock when some or most things would change on the whim of the owner of that said house.

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No New Posts Panderth

Within this house those who deny the love to each other will be brought to the spotlight. For this is where the love that is denied isn't a sin. However many have perished for not showing it and being stuck within the palace walls.

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No New Posts Kahnstarkan Hall

This just like his father's house in Olympus is a great hall which is another refuge for the heroes who are of teh Vea Gods. Many things in this palace depict great feats of strength and endurance and the heroes have a place in which to keep themselves as they are when they are welcomed into the "Hall of Heroes".

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No New Posts Mazaratha

This isn't quite a palace, but a wide opened place with a couple walls and a long overhang this is where all of the festivals and celebrations always take place. For it is the realm of that who loves it so much she is the godess of which. Fun always radiates from here and it seems to never die, even if its a somber and sad event there is still some sort of fun going on for she is an optimistic person.

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No New Posts Tragicantar

This palace is set right next to the God of Denying Love, for this is the place of those who have been forbidden to love that which the heart wants. Many great treasures long in here for champions and heroes to dwell on, but cannot touch or take for it is forbidden to love taht whence you cannot have.

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No New Posts Aeriantaxalos

A castle which seemed to loom over space itself propted up many strong poles seeming like a giant pedestal. Inside this palace you'd have to be capable of flight or in climbing for its the only way to gain entrance. In the aerial courtyard many birds stay for this is a great sanctuary for every single species and subspecies of anything that had the ability of flight.

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No New Posts Akalanxos'mos

Many champions, heroes, and yes even gods come in search of this place. For it creates a magnificent service as with a heavty price would give you a powerful talisman which would truely work in the manner which it was made to do. This is a place of safety for most who call for it.

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No New Posts Dasiosiam

This is an oasis in the middle of a dry and humid place, a great desert. Not much grows around here or at least around, but once you step into the oasis you see life before you. However be careful for just like the desert it can become an enemy just like that!

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No New Posts Vantaria

Within this haven of childhood imagination and of others who reign over others childhood variations. This palace within seems like one giant playground or fun place for what would one of the Childhood dreams want, but to have fun is it not so then what is.

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No New Posts Diablos'omegas

Here is where nothing good comes of this palace. For most of these things where at the behest of other kingdoms and palaces of the mortals. For this place has a reputation of not being nice, it might be civil and courteous however it'll never be for one who can't take care of him or herself!

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No New Posts Daozynt

This is what seems to be that of a giant grand library. For it holds the ancient lore of each and every great deed of either god, champion, demigod, and hero. This is where those who art new to being a god would go to find out simple truths about what has happened in the past so as to not have it repeat itself.

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No New Posts Zylanxiasium

This palace is at times unable to find for you must prove yourself a great tracker for as to find it in the woods. Inside this palace however you'll find some unique animals that still live and take refuge and if you find the right place in the castle you'll find his trophy room which has many things which he has hunted some common and some not so comon.

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No New Posts Labyrinxz

This is a castle which has many hidden pathways ones which might lead to terrible horrible truths, or to dangers, or if your lucky to great riches. However only look unless with permission for the godess who resides here loves to create pathways and to withold various things of varying treasure.

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No New Posts Krowndio

Not looking like a castle, but more in the style that of a native american camp a gigantic stone tepee erected with the poles of a gigantic bears' thigh bones. Animal spirits of those who've passed. As well as those who are meant to be a guide for other mortals to take them to their destiny or what the fates have made true.

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No New Posts Snctalf

This is a great fortress of defense not much can break down the impenetrable entrances. within is something that of a dojo teaching others to fight without weapons or anything as an extnsion of the body.

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No New Posts Nocluscar

This place sits inside a grand cave making the place much more darker than should be for many animals of the night reside within and are only alive and roaming in such light. There is minor light by fires and torches however its still dark enough for these to live their lifes.

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Location: Silverbow, Kansas (Lake Silverbow)[/u]

Deep beneath the rockbed of this grand lake which would be death to any to try to reach this beautiful place with its own world. Not far is an abandoned warehose in which if brave or stupid enough that person would take the mine shaft all the way below and behold a grand of a sght. For Castles surround this land in its own beauty. It is home to the newest of gods and is were that of King Arthur and of his Knights which shall be met in this world.
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